New Era English Primary School

UDISE No. : 27211606802

Admission Open for 2024-2025


Seva Sadan is engaged since 1950 in providing educational services to the students of Primary School, High School, Jr. College and Colleges with Post Graduate Courses apart from Management Courses and Fashion & Interior Designing.

Late Baba Parsram Parumal Dabrai was its Founder and it was his courage of conviction and brought education to masses at all levels without any distinction of caste, colour are clime and today the following institutes are established are managed by Seva Sadan.

  • Seth Parsram Parumal New Era High School & Junior College.
  • New Era English Primary School with Kinder, Garten Classes.
  • R.K. Talreja College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
  • Seva Sadan College of Education (D.ED, B.ED & M.ED).
  • Seva Sadan College of Arts, Science & Commerce.
  • Seva Sadan College of Design Studies.

"If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children".
Mahatma Gandhi

Our School is Co-educational

Our vision

  • To Ensure and enhance quality education.
  • To make the foundation strong.
  • To bring about an all-around personality development.

Our aim is complete growth of the child. To realize this aim there has be a proper communication between school authorities, teachers and parents. Parents / Guardians should keep themselves well-informed of the progress their ward. Very often it is observed that they have no idea about the academic progress and conduct of their children. They are requested to check their child daily diary and take seriously, any communication received from the school regarding the progress of their child.

The co-operation of parents in this regard will be highly appreciated.


(Ravina. K. Shahdadpuri)  

Dear Parents

In order to secure all that is the best in the education of your children,the maximum co-operation from parents to the school authorities is desired.You are requested to reach your child only up to the school gates. No parents will enter the school gates with the child for any reason. The tiffin-box and water bottle should be given to the child before he/she enters the gates.

  • Children should come to school in full uniform.
  • Children should speak in ENGLISH at all times.Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the  student who fails to abide by the rule.
  • No vehicle will be parked in front of the school gate.
  • No parent will meet the class teacher during working hours.
  • Parents should look into their children’s home work book every day and see that lessons and homework assigned for the next day are done.
  • Children should be encouraged to cultivate the habit of cleanliness.

School Office Timing

Monday to Friday: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 1:00 pm 

Meeting Hours Of Headmistress

Monday, Thursday & Saturday
10:30 am to 11:30 am

Evaluation System

From the year 2010-11, a scheme of continuous comprehensive evaluation (CCE) is implemented from Std. I TO IV
According to CCE there are two kinds of evaluation.
1. Formative Evaluation
2. Summative Evaluation 
N.B. According to RTE-2009
Various tools used in formative evaluation are:
A. Day to Day observations.
B. Orals
C. Practical’s activity
D. Tests
E. Homework / Classwork

Summative Evaluation is as per working at the end of each unit & semester, written test are conducted.
Finally on the basis of Formative and Summative evaluation grading is done & remedial measures are suggested. Strong& lop-sided aspect of child is pointed out.

Grade Chart

Marks          Grade
91% to 100% A-1
81% to 90% A-2
71% to 80% B-1
61% to 70% B-2
51% to 60% C-1
41% to 50% C-2
33% to 40% D
21% to 32% E-1
20% to Below E-2


School is open to all pupils irrespective of caste & creed like sister institutions. New Era High School and New Era Primary School (Sindhi Medium). This school pays particular attention to individual development and character formation, moreover keeping in view the need of new India it will train the students in true citizenship and thus prepare them for effective participation with others in the social work that is gradually involving in India.

Individual Attention: This is the leading feature of the school. Thus, private tuitions will be endured generally unnecessary.

To secure willing co-operation parents are given an opportunity to put forward any suggestion which in their opinion may help in the education of their children.

The school is full-fledged Primary School with arrangement for teaching all subjects through English Medium besides there are K.G. Classes (Jr.K.G.& Sr.K.G.) of pupils below 4 & 5 years respectively.

1. All applications for admissions have to be made in the prescribed from given from the school office.

2. Children seeking admission to Standard 1 should have completed 6 years of age. Those above the average age of the class may not be admitted.

3. A pupil who joins from home or from private school has a rule, to produce an official BIRTH CERTIFICATE from the Municipality in support of date of birth entered in the admission form.

4. A pupil who has attended some recognized school cannot be admitted here without LEAVING CERTIFICATE FROM THE LAST SCHOOL ATTENDED. If the pupil comes from school outside the state of Maharashtra, leaving certificate must be countersigned by education officer of the district in which the school is situated.

5. No admissions shall be made on the strength of a leaving certificate from an unrecognized School. Such application made on affidavit made by the parent or guardian before a Stipendiary Magistrate can be subjected to written test in all the subjects and admitted provisionally by the head of the school to the standard for which the child is found fit subject to the confirmation by appropriate authority.

6. When a leaving certificate of a child is required Parent / Guardian has to apply.

7. No leaving certificate will be issued unless the dues are paid.

1) i) In accordance with departmental rules parents are required to sign the declaration and to abide by school rules.
   ii) Parents are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management and that management has a right to say on what condition they will admit or retain the child in the school.

2) Parents are informed about children’s progress and occasional report from the teacher through pupil’s diary. All communications such as progress report, monthly report or any other similar documents must be signed in token of having been sent. If for some reason the parents with hold their signature they are required to see the teacher immediately.

3) Failure to do this may put the children to great inconvenience and render them liable to being sent home. They should also keep an eye on the non-attendance and leave records.

4) Parents are requested to note the late coming record of their children. Those pupils who come regularly late to school will be sent back home.

5) If a pupil is absent due to illness for more than 3 days. Headmistress must be informed in writing at once.

6) Private tuitions are not encouraged if tuition is desired from any of the teacher’s parents should please contact the Headmistress. No class teacher will be allowed to take tuition of her own class.

7) Parents and Guardians are specially requested to notify the school of any change in their address or telephone number.

8) Parents, Guardians, or other persons are not allowed to see the pupils or contact them during class teaching hours, without permission of the Headmistress. Teachers should be seen in their off periods and by previous appointment only.

9) Fees are payable as long as pupils name remains on the Roll.

10) Parents have to pay their fees during vacation time for full year.

11) Parents are requested to make a complaint if any directly to the Headmistress and not to the Class teacher.

12) Private Tuition: Parents are requested not to approach our school teacher for the purpose of tutor for their children privately as this is not permitted as per school rules.

13) They are above all requested to read and observe all the rules of the school.

1. Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in school work, unjustified unexplained absence for more than two working days, habitual idleness, disobedience or objectionable moral influences justify dismissal. Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence misbehaviors in and outside the school is liable to the action.

2. Pupil who has been absent from the school or who has come late to school will not be allowed to sit in the class without signature of the Headmistress.

3. Running or shooting inside the school building is not allowed.

4. Any kind of damage done to the school property or to things of others student will have to be made good.

5. When pupils move along the corridors, as and when changing classes, they must walk in silence and in single line.

6. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all to this effect student should possess at least two sets of uniform each.

7. Everyone should see that they should not throw papers, chocolate wrappers or any garbage in the school premises. They should use the basket and dust bin specially provided for this purpose.

8. No book(otherthan text or library books) newspaper periodicals shall be brought with in the school premises without the permission of the Headmistress.

9. All the children are expected to speak in English inside the school.

10. The school cannot make itself responsible for Books, Money, Clothes and other articles that are lost. The pupils must look after their own things. It is not advisable for the pupils to have money valuable articles with them.

11. Each and every child should endeavor to keep up tone of school by excelling good manners, hence for the smooth running of the school no child must bring in to school anything objectionable to prove a cause of disturbance i.e. crackers water pistol etc.

12. No child will be permitted to bring razor blade, knives or other lethal objects to school.The use of pencil sharpeners is recommended.

13. Any pupil who is persistently insubordinate or repeatedly or willfully mischievous or is guilty of gross malpractice in connection with examination or who in the opinion of Headmistress has an unwholesome influence on fellow pupils may be removed from the rolls.The removal may be temporary or permanent according to the gravity of the offence.

14. Pupils from one class are not allowed to be in other classroom during the recreation time.

15. No pupils will be exempted from physical exercise without a doctor’s certificate.Those who are thus exempted must go and watch the drill.

16. Present to teacher and demonstration in their honor is not allowed.

17. Children must bring breakfast along with themselves. No Parents/Guardian will be allowed to enter the school during recess.

Please Note: While writing to the school authorities about your child always quote the full name, division and the standards in which studying.

I must bring my school Diary to class daily.

1. No pupils will be permitted to be absent from school except in cases of illness or other unavoidable circumstance. A note signed by the parent stating a valid reason for the pupil’s absence must be produced on his/her returning to school.

2. If a pupil is absent due to illness for more than a week the class teacher should be informed at once.On the pupils must bring a note from his/her parent certifying the illness and a doctor’s medical certificate has to be attached.

3. Any pupil remaining absent without permission for more than 15 days will be liable to be removed from the school roll. School is open to all pupils irrespective of caste & creed.The school pays particular attention to individual development and character formation.The school is full-fledged Primary School with arrangement for teaching all subjects through English Medium, besides there are K.G. classes.

Parents are expected to co-operate with school authorities seeing to it that their children prepare and take active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.

Parents are expected to sign the progress report or any other similar documents when so requested. Cleanliness and obedience are expected from children.

“Education is the Nation Strength where WE all are standby”

Address:-  New Era English Primary School,
                  Opp. Peninsula Park, Near Sapna Garden, 

Contact No:- 9767500088

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